The Rephidim Project exists to mobilize, equip and encourage pastors worldwide
with a blueprint for expositional preaching that produces Christlike believers
by the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God.
The Rephidim Project is a collaborative effort to bring expository preaching resources and training to pastors, church leaders and those who have a call to preach. We lead seminars, workshops and think tanks to train preachers to be more effective expositors of God’s Word.
We establish cohorts of pastors who covenant together to develop and improve their skills in expository preaching through collaborative
learning, mutual encouragement, and personal accountability.
“The Rephidim Project is a gift of God to pastors. What need is more pressing than this present famine of truly expository preachers?… There is a new generation of young men eager to feed Christ’s sheep. We thank you for raising our arms. The tide is turning.” – Pastor Alex