James 2:14-26 – Dead Traditionalism

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A study of the book of James

Dead Traditionalism

(James 2:14-26)

Central Idea: A living faith is a working faith.

Purpose: To challenge Christians to be what they claim to be.

  1. The need for a working faith (2:14-17).
  2. The argument for a working faith (2:18-20).
  3. The illustrations of a working faith (2:21-26).

Traditionalism is the dead faith of those now living. Are you a traditionalist? Do you go to church because your parents want you to go to church? Are you a Christian because it is the proper thing to do? Well, that’s dead traditionalism.

A living faith is a working faith. As we continue our study, James develops that truth in three steps: the need, the argument, and illustrations of a working faith.