Apr 29, 2021
Overview of Zechariah: Prisoners of Hope
Series: Zechariah
Central Idea: God gives promises of comfort to prisoners of hope.
Purpose: To encourage believers in hard times
1. Comfort requires repentance (1:1-6)
2. Visions produce hope (1:7-6:15)
3. Fasting becomes feasting (7:1-8:23)
4. Prophecy predicts justice (9:1-14:21)
  • Apr 29, 2021Overview of Zechariah: Prisoners of Hope
    Apr 29, 2021
    Overview of Zechariah: Prisoners of Hope
    Series: Zechariah
    Central Idea: God gives promises of comfort to prisoners of hope.
    Purpose: To encourage believers in hard times
    1. Comfort requires repentance (1:1-6)
    2. Visions produce hope (1:7-6:15)
    3. Fasting becomes feasting (7:1-8:23)
    4. Prophecy predicts justice (9:1-14:21)
  • Mar 31, 2020Waiting For Our Orders Acts 1:1-5
    Mar 31, 2020
    Waiting For Our Orders Acts 1:1-5
    Series: Acts
    Central Idea: Jesus left us with standing orders for a global mission. Purpose: To challenge our church to carry out our mission. 1. OUR MISSION IS TO CONTINUE HIS MISSION (1:1-2). 2. OUR CONFIDENCE COMES FROM HIS CONFIRMATION (1:3). 3. OUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON HIS SPIRIT (1:4-5).
  • Mar 30, 2020Our Marching Orders Acts 1:6-11
    Mar 30, 2020
    Our Marching Orders Acts 1:6-11
    Series: Acts
    Central Idea: Start where you are to reach where He leads. Purpose: To challenge the church to reach the world. 1. WE ARE TO FOCUS ON HIS MISSION NOT OUR SPECULATION (1:6-8). 2. WE ARE TO MOVE OUT NOT STAND AROUND (1:9-11).
  • Mar 29, 2020Preparation For The Mission Acts 1:12-26
    Mar 29, 2020
    Preparation For The Mission Acts 1:12-26
    Series: Acts
    Central Idea: We gather to go. Purpose: To challenge us to prepare to go out. 1. UNIFIED PRAYER IS ESSENTIAL TO OUR GATHERING (1:12-14). 2. BIBLICAL TEACHING IS FOUNDATIONAL FOR OUR GATHERING (1:15-20). 3. SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP IS IMPORTANT IN OUR GATHERING (1:21-26).
  • Mar 28, 2020The Birthday Of The Church Acts 2:1-13
    Mar 28, 2020
    The Birthday Of The Church Acts 2:1-13
    Series: Acts
    Central Idea: The day of Pentecost is the birthday of the church. Purpose: To encourage believers with the power of the HS. 1. THE FILLING OF THE SPIRIT EMPOWERS THE CHURCH (2:1-4). 2. THE POWER OF THE CHURCH SHOCKS THE WORLD (2:5-13).